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Dive into the ultimate skincare experience with Torriden's DIVE-IN Low Molecule Hyaluronic Acid Mask Pack. It's not just a mask; it's a rejuvenating dive into the world of deep hydration and radiant skin.

This hypoallergenic facial mask is a soothing oasis for your skin. Infused with five types of hyaluronic acid, it floods your skin with replenishing moisture, banishing inner dryness, and leaving your skin with a dewy, smooth finish that radiates health. But it's not just about moisture; it's about calming and soothing your skin. D-panthenol, allantoin, and madecassoside work together to provide comfort and relief, making this mask perfect for sensitive skin.

The eco-friendly 100% natural cellulose mask sheet adheres seamlessly to your face, ensuring the swift absorption of active ingredients into your skin. It's like a loving hug for your skin.

DIVE-IN Low Molecule Hyaluronic Acid Mask

Regular price €3,00
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Hydrating and soothing mask with five hyaluronic acids for radiant, calm skin.

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Dive into the ultimate skincare experience with Torriden's DIVE-IN Low Molecule Hyaluronic Acid Mask Pack. It's not just a mask; it's a rejuvenating dive into the world of deep hydration and radiant skin.

This hypoallergenic facial mask is a soothing oasis for your skin. Infused with five types of hyaluronic acid, it floods your skin with replenishing moisture, banishing inner dryness, and leaving your skin with a dewy, smooth finish that radiates health. But it's not just about moisture; it's about calming and soothing your skin. D-panthenol, allantoin, and madecassoside work together to provide comfort and relief, making this mask perfect for sensitive skin.

The eco-friendly 100% natural cellulose mask sheet adheres seamlessly to your face, ensuring the swift absorption of active ingredients into your skin. It's like a loving hug for your skin.